Here are a few things I would pay attention to before shooting a response. Your Step 4 Video will be shared with business owners you want interviews with so they can get an idea of how you show up on camera.
Spend the extra 2 minutes to ensure you’re high and tight here.
Don’t disqualify yourself over something simple.
Yes. It’s the simple stuff that's just as easy NOT to do as it is to do that keeps you poor.
- Wear a nice shirt. (Business casual looks great) No bacon neck t-shirts.
- Good lighting (no shadows)
- Upright posture (sitting/standing)
- Stationary camera (no holding or using your phone). Business owners want to see where you’ll take their prospect’s calls.
- Quiet room. No echoing
- No shadows on the walls around you. (Easier if you just shoot the video during the day)
- Plain/non-distracting background (no messy beds or trash in the background)
- Head and shoulders in the frame (not too close and not a talking head)
- Do NOT share your screen during your recording. We want to see you only
- Make sure you are looking straight at the camera. Do not be looking down and have your screen lower than your face. It’s awkward to watch!
- Don’t swivel in your chair!
- Do not hold your microphone in your hand. It looks stupid.